Sandbag Fitness Gold Challenge


Challenge Details




Entry Information


You can do any of the challenges for fun but if you want to be eligble to win prizes and be featured on the Wall Of Fame then you'll need to follow the instructions below.


1. You will need to submit a video that will show unbroken footage of your sandbag being weighed and then the workout being completed. 

2. The video submitted should be of suitable quality that it can be judged.

3. Your video submission can be either uploaded to YouTube or any of the free video hosting services or sent directly to me via a file transfer service such as We Transfer. If you are sending files, please send them to

4. You agree that any video footage may be used for promotional purposes. 

5. Submissions are judged by Sandbag Fitness and their decision is final. If in doubt, please check the technique requirements for the exercises in each challenge.

6. There is no alternative for any of the prizes listed.

7. To be added to the Wall Of Fame we require a high resolution head and shoulders image.